Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Cuil Theory

One Cuil = One degree of reflection away from the truth of a circumstance. Model: You approach me for a Hamburger. 1 Cuil: in the event that you approached me for a burger, and I gave you a raccoon. 2 Cuils: If you approached me for a burger, however it turns out I don't generally exist. Where I was initially standing, an image of a cheeseburger lays on the ground. 3 Cuils: You wakeful as a cheeseburger. You begin shouting just to have extraordinary sauce fly from your lips. The world is in sepia. 4 Cuils: Why are we communicating in German? An emulate cries delicately as he supports a youthful cow. Your granddad gazes at you as the cow self-destructs into patties.You look down just to see me with pickles for eyes, I am singing the tune that brings forth the universe. 5 Cuils: You request a burger, I give you a cheeseburger. You raise it to your lips and take a chomp. Your eye jerks automatically. Over the road a dad of three tumbles down the steps. You swallow and look down at the c heeseburger in your grasp. I give you a burger. You swallow and look down at the burger in your grasp. You can't swallow. There are youngsters at the highest point of the steps. A pickle moves precariously under the bun. I give you a burger. You take a gander at my face, and I am begging you. The youngsters are crying now.You raise the cheeseburger to your lips, tears stream down your face as you take a nibble. I give you a cheeseburger. You are on your knees. You beg me to go over the road. I hear just kids' chuckling. I give you a cheeseburger. You are shouting as you tumble down the steps. I am your kid. You can't see anything. You take a nibble of the cheeseburger. The solid surges up to meet you. You conscious with a beginning in your own bed. Your eye jerks automatically. I give you a burger. As you murder me, I don't make a sound. I give you a cheeseburger. 6 Cuils: You approach me for a burger. My endeavor to respond is stopped rutally as my body encounters an abrupt absence of electrons. Over an assortment of concealed measurements you are unnerved. John Lennon gives me an apple, yet it gets past me. I am reawakened as an ocelot. You object. A break echoes through the universe in insubordination of regular material science as cosmological foundation commotion shifts from arbitrariness to an ideal A Flat. Youngsters wherever stop what they are doing and murmur along in ideal pitch with the foundation radiation. Feathered creatures tumble from the sky as the sun overwhelms the earth. You falter quickly previously permitting yourself to accept the locus of all knowledge.Entropy disintegrates as you scrutinize the data contained inside the universe. A little library in Phoenix stops to exist. You bumble under the heaviness of everythingness; your mouth opens up to shout out, and falls around your body before flickering you out of the spatial plane. You exist just inside the fourth measurement. The origin of all information moves along the ground and slams into a little pooch. My head tastes sideways as space-time is restored, you flicker over into the bodily world confused, just for me to give you a cheeseburger as my body crumples under the strain of reconstitution.The universe has reasserted itself. A specific little canine is taken care of steak for the remainder of its common life. You kick the bucket in crack mishap minutes after the fact, and you soul works at the profits work area for the Phoenix library. You object. Your objection sends swells through the between dimensional void among life and demise. A little youngster starts to cry as he strolls toward the flight of stairs where his dad stands. 7 Cuils: I give you a cheeseburger. The universe is immersed inside itself. A transport promoting wieners drives by a papillon. It objects. An unnatural power switches Earth's gravity. You request a hamburger.I respond with a gently shaking potato. You object. Your objection discharges an astronomical move in the void among birth a nd life. You request a cheeseburger. A specific little pooch devours cheeseburger patties for the remainder of its unnatural, interminable continuance. Your steady dissatisfaction sends quietness through everything. An invented monster gets transcendent. You request a cheeseburger. I give you a burger your body turns into a disrupted mass of nothingness, at that point partitions by three. The papillon barks. The universe realigns itself. You, the papillon, and the burger object. This judgment stops the realignment.Hades freezes over. A pig is propelled is propelled into the empty presence among existence with a particular cheeseburger. You request a burger. I give you a burger. It shouts as you lift it to your face. You chuckle twistedly as I beg you. You eat up the cheeseburger as it argues for benevolence. I object and sentence you to an unfathomable length of time in a specific void where a specific pig and its particular cheeseburger are found. The Universal Space-time Continuum Committee objects to my nonsensical choice. You are bolted away and are taken care of burgers for the remainder of your regular existence.A pickle will not separate during the procedure of assimilation. You bite the dust in an oddity mishap. A specific pickle carries on with a mind-blowing remainder in an out cold state. Your spirit objects. Down the road a kid cries as a cheeseburger stalls out in, and moves back up, her throat. You approach again for a burger. I won't respond. You request a legal advisor. I remind you cruelly this is the new world request. Legal counselors do not exist anymore. Just papillons. Your name is composed on a rundown of sins. Profanation. You request a cheeseburger. The out cold pickle vanquishes your spirit from this universe. Realignment happens. You ask for a hamburger.A certain papillon's name is composed on a monolith in Egypt. Murmur. Laborers revere the monolith. Your heartless carcass participates in the party. Burgers are restricted generally. The sun implodes. All planets stop to have at any point existed. Mercury. Venus. Earth. Mars. Jupiter. Saturn. Uranus. Neptune. Pluto is the main mass in presence. Helpfully, you are on an excursion here. Your requirement for cheeseburgers restores space-time. Earth is reproduced under your intergalactic principle. Burgers are your military. You wake up. Comedians. Comedians all over the place. Your fantasy races to meet you. You are grabbed. You request a burger. They give you a sausage.